
Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Winter Concert

Our Winter Concert is fast approaching and 
the students have been busy learning their songs. 
This year, the show is called "Love is all you need!"
We hope to see you there :)

Tuesday, December 16th @ 7pm
Immanuel Pentecostal Church 955 Wilkes Ave
Doors will open at 6:15pm
Students must arrive no later then 6:40pm
Silver collection at the door

Upon arrival at the church, please look at the map 
posted in the foyer to find out where to bring your child. 

For more information, please contact Mme Richard by email at

Dancing with the Stars-a-Thon

Don't forget about our upcoming fundraiser! Check out the video below.

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Can Drive for Winnipeg Harvest

All students are participating in a Can Drive for Winnipeg Harvest. Take a look at the video below for more information.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

New instruments, songs and games!

Kindergarten students have been busy exploring the different instruments in the music room and learning the proper techniques for playing them. 

Grade 1 students have been playing a circle game that involves keeping the beat and layering in instruments where appropriate. 

Grade 2 students have been learning about a new note called "blanche/half note". We have been working on being able to identify this new note through listening activities. 

Grade 3/4 students have started the RECORDER!!! Lots of excitement around this and they can't wait to start Recorder Karate. 

Grade 5 students have been busy preparing their song for the Remembrance Day ceremony and are also preparing to begin the Recorder again this year. 

Halloween activities for all classes will take place over the next few weeks! Check back for updates and pictures :)

Thursday, 18 September 2014

September in the Music Room

Here's a quick look at what has been happening in the music room so far this year:

Kindergarten: Students have had the opportunity to dance, play instruments and explore the different qualities of music such as Fast/Slow and Loud/Quiet

Grade 1: Students have explored ascending and descending sounds on the xylophones.

Grade 2: Students have practiced how to accompany a simple tune using a bourdon on the xylophones.

Grades 3, 4 & 5: Students have enjoyed playing the instruments, singing songs and are excited to begin a new recorder program.

Keep checking back for more updates. :) 

Thursday, 11 September 2014

École Robert Browning Video!

Please take a look at the following video created by former Grade 5 students and their amazing teachers, M Proulx and M Sorokowski. This video will answer many frequently asked questions regarding everyday procedures here at École Robert Browning.

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Welcome "Bach"

I can't believe that September is already here. I hope that everyone had a wonderful summer. 
I am looking forward to seeing familiar faces again and also meeting the new families as well. 

A few changes to the Music program for this year:

  • Mandatory Choir for students in Grade 3, 4 & 5
    • more info to follow
  • New Orff club starting
  • New Recorder program starting
See you Friday!

Thursday, 3 July 2014

A look back...

It's hard to believe that another school year has come and gone. Here is a quick look back on a few highlights from the Music room for the 2013-2014 school year. 

5 students participated in the Divisional Musical Theatre production of "Little Mermaid". 
2 students participated in the Divisional Children's Choir. 
All students performed very well in our Winter Concert "Around the World". 
Kindergarten students explored the different qualities of music through listening and movement activities. 
Grade 1-5 students all attend the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra. 
Choir students performed beautifully at different events throughout the entire year. 
Volunteer students from Grade 4/5 had a blast performing in our Spring Musical "Pirates". The show was a huge success. 

I would like to wish everyone a wonderful summer break and also a special farewell to the Grade 5 students, as they move on to middle school. 
Mme Richard 

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Doing ÉRB proud!

Throughout the month of May, students had the opportunity to audition for two special divisional groups.

First up "The Divisional Children's Choir" that is composed of Grade 5 students from across the division. Next year, I am proud to say that 8 of our Grade 5 students will be participating in this choir. Congratulations to Sameer, Emily, Paityn, Paige, Mackenzie, Robyn, Tyah and Maia.

Students were also given the chance to audition for a part in "The Divisional Musical Theatre" production of Peter Pan. This group is composed of Grade 4-8 students from across the entire division. 
I am thrilled to announce that École Robert Browning will be represented by 5 current students along with a few former students as well. Congratulations to Mackenzie, Chloe, Katie, Bailee and Kiana, along with Abby, Kieran and Hanna. Good luck!!!

Monday, 26 May 2014

EMS Week Kick Off Event

EMS week is a celebration dedicated to all the men and women who deliver life saving skills to everyone in need. We at École Robert Browning, were very fortunate to host to "Official Kick Off" to this special week. Students and staff had the opportunity to tour an ambulance, fire truck, MIRV and police car. We practiced our bike & road safety with PACERS, we created our own first aid kits and we learned when to call 9-1-1 and how our calls are handled. A big thank you to all EMS staff for coming out today. 

For more information on the EMS week, you can visit their website at

Monday, 19 May 2014


Congratulations to all students who participated 
in the Spring Musical "Pirates!" 
The show was a complete success and 
enjoyed by all who attended. 

A big thank you to the fabulous team of teachers 
who helped me every step of the way! 

Friday, 9 May 2014

École Robert Browning Presents....Pirates!

ARRRRRR you ready for Pirates?

Students from Grades 4 and 5 would like to invite you to attend their Spring Musical:

Wednesday, May 14th
École Robert Browning Gym
 1:30pm and 7pm
(Students must arrive by 6:30pm)

Silver collection at the door.

 Hope to see you there :)

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Eggs! Eggs! Eggs!

Students had fun this week playing 2 different Easter Egg Hunt type games.
The Easter Bunny made a special trip to the Music Room and delivered 
many colourful eggs containing hidden musical messages. 

For the first game, students were asked to search around the room for 20 hidden Easter eggs. Each egg either contained a musical message or it was empty. If they found a musical message, they had to answer the question on their scoresheet before moving on to another egg. 

For the second game, the Easter Bunny left a bunch of eggs all over the floor. Mme Richard clapped a rhythm and students raced to find the egg with the matching rhythm hidden inside. 

Sunday, 2 March 2014

A new musical form called... RONDO!

The Grade 3 students having been busy working on a musical form called RONDO!
Rondo is when a piece of music follows a specific form (ABACADAE....) where a main theme is repeated. 

We first learned a song called "Écoute" and explored the Rondo form using the Xylophones, Boomwhackers, African Drums and Maracas.

Next we learned a piece called "Allons'y" where we performed a circle dance in the form of a Rondo. 

We then listened to a piece of music called "Viennese Musical Clock". This is a classical piece that follows the Rondo form. The students were then divided into groups to create movement that would go along with the piece. 

Finally, the students will have the chance to create their own Rondos in class using any musical instrument. These Rondos will then be performed to the rest of the class. 

Friday, 14 February 2014


This week, students had the opportunity to use Boomwhackers!!! We learned that the longer tubes make low sounds and the shorter tubes make high sounds. We also discovered that the largest tube "C" made the lowest sound, while the shortest tube, also a "C", made the highest sound. 

Students were given the chance to perform different rhythms on the Boomwhackers by hitting them on the ground or with a partner. We explored what happens when you hit 2 different Boomwhackers together... it creates an interval!

Finally, the students were given the Boomwhackers they needed to perform a familiar song "Twinkle Twinkle" and were asked to try and figure out in which order the Boomwhackers needed to be played. 
We finished the class by performing the song "Twinkle Twinkle" as a whole class. 

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Music Celebration 

The Grade 3, 4 & 5 choir performed last night as part of "Music Celebration". They sang two pieces, Sleep My Child and Swim Little Fishy.  Following their performance, they had the opportunity to work with the wonderful and talented Mrs. Hildebrand. 

Students will now continue working on these pieces for the next 3 weeks and then are off to perform at the Winnipeg Music Festival. 

Congrats to all choir members on a job well done!

Friday, 31 January 2014

Goodbye January, Hello February

It's hard to believe that January is already coming to an end. I have now been back at work for 3 weeks and a lot has happened. Here's a quick look at what each Grade has been working on in the Music Room. 

Kindergarten: We met my 8 little friends who like to come to music class and what they represent. 
  • Mr. Bear: Loud
  • Mrs. Mouse: Quiet
  • Mr. Turtle: Slow
  • Mrs. Rabbit: Fast
  • Mr. Frog: Low 
  • Mrs. Bird: High 
  • Mr. Lion: Sound
  • Mrs. Fish: Silence
Grade 1: We explored how to add instruments and movement to stories for "I love to read". We also explored how sounds can go from low to high (ascending) or from high to low (descending). 

Grade 2: We learned about the different families in the Orchestra; Wind, Strings and Percussion. 
We also started improvising on the xylophones which was a lot of fun.

Grade 3: We have been having fun with songs that follow the form RONDO (ABACADAE...). 
We began with an instrument Rondo, then a movement Rondo and now students will have the chance to create their OWN Rondos. 

Grade 4/5: We started off with a fun little song that included xylophone parts along with a "Rock, paper, scissors" type game. We then learned about STOMP, a musical group that performs and creates music using everyday objects. The students are now in the middle of creating their own STOMP act, which we will videotape for all to see. 

Looking forward to another busy month ahead. Stay tuned for more updates :)

Friday, 24 January 2014

J'aime Lire... in the Music Room

The Grade 1 students have been celebrating "I Love To Read" month in the music room by exploring different sounds (e.g. high/low) and how they can be added into a story.

We first read the book "Marilou Casse-cou" by Robert Munsch and then began adding instruments to the story. The students explored different instruments in order to find the perfect sound effect.

In the end we added xylophones, sand blocks, vibra-slap and cabasa. We then chose a few students to act out the story while the others played the sound effects.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

New Choir Page

Be sure to check out the new page created for the Grade 3 ,4 & 5 choir. 
All information you need about the choir can be found there. 
Just click on the tab near the top of this page.