
Thursday, 18 September 2014

September in the Music Room

Here's a quick look at what has been happening in the music room so far this year:

Kindergarten: Students have had the opportunity to dance, play instruments and explore the different qualities of music such as Fast/Slow and Loud/Quiet

Grade 1: Students have explored ascending and descending sounds on the xylophones.

Grade 2: Students have practiced how to accompany a simple tune using a bourdon on the xylophones.

Grades 3, 4 & 5: Students have enjoyed playing the instruments, singing songs and are excited to begin a new recorder program.

Keep checking back for more updates. :) 

Thursday, 11 September 2014

École Robert Browning Video!

Please take a look at the following video created by former Grade 5 students and their amazing teachers, M Proulx and M Sorokowski. This video will answer many frequently asked questions regarding everyday procedures here at École Robert Browning.

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Welcome "Bach"

I can't believe that September is already here. I hope that everyone had a wonderful summer. 
I am looking forward to seeing familiar faces again and also meeting the new families as well. 

A few changes to the Music program for this year:

  • Mandatory Choir for students in Grade 3, 4 & 5
    • more info to follow
  • New Orff club starting
  • New Recorder program starting
See you Friday!