A lot has been happening in the Music room since my last post.
Kindergarten: Students have learned how to identify a simple rhythmic pattern using a ta, titi and shh. They have also explored how to create these rhythms on different instruments.
Grade 1: Students have continued to explore simple rhythmic patterns and can identify them visually or through listening activities. They have also continued to explore our "Solfège" Family and are looking forward to meeting a new member really soon.
Grade 2: Students are exploring a unit called "Carnival of Animals". All pieces are written by Camille Saint-Saëns, a famous French composer. Each piece is written for a particular animal in mind. The students have had fun guessing which animal belongs to each piece.
Grade 3/4/5: Students are progressing nicely on their recorders through our Recorder Karate program. Students are also working on a unit called "STOMP". In groups, they are making their own "STOMP" creations which we will be filming this month.
CHOIR: Congratulations to all choirs members this year. You have all worked extremely hard and it shows when you are performing on stage.
Congratulations to the Grade 5 choir, who recently sang at the Winnipeg Music Festival and received a Silver for their work.
Best of luck to the Grade 3/4 choir, who will be performing, Tuesday, March 10th.